About Han & Em

Hello everyone! My name is Hannah and here are a few things you need to know about me: family and friends mean a lot to me, I LOVE a good cup of coffee, I'm a southern girl at heart, but my second home is China. God is my whole life and my goal is to please Him with everything I say and do. I am 20 years old and I have a full time job. I am praying and waiting on the Lord to reveal His plan for my life, but in the meantime, I am working with the opportunities He has given me during this stage of life.

Hey friends! My name is Emily, but you can call me Em. There are a couple of things you should know about me: first I love trucks and country music, missions is a huge part of my life, and I'll sing and dance anywhere. Above all, I love Jesus, He is my rock and my constant and I can't imagine life without Him! I am currently pursuing a degree in elementary education while working full time as a 6th Grade homeroom teacher. I am praying about my life after graduation and where the Lord will lead me to serve him. Ultimately, I want to live my life sold out for Jesus and go wherever he leads and do whatever he calls!