Have you ever felt defeated? I know I do… a lot. I become so overwhelmed with work, school, and just managing everyday life. My automatic response to this defeatedness is to shut down. I get so overwhelmed and I begin to process all of these things as me not being enough. If you follow us on Instagram, (if you don’t, do that!) you might have seen the song “Mistakes” as a preview for today’s blog post. For me, I struggle to put my thoughts into words. The transition of thoughts and emotions get lost in the communication. Thankfully, through songs I am able to piece together my thoughts and emotions. This song is one song that is so encouraging to me. Today, I just wanted to share this song with you and why the lyrics mean something to me:
“We look to every face to feel approved
We long for validation
That already came from You
You wrapped Yourself in skin to give us proof
Your love it never ended
You needed us to know the truth”
As a girl, I look everywhere but truth to validate who I am. I have a desire, as everyone does, to be approved of and to be enough. Even when I choose others to validate me, He wrapped me up in His skin to give me proof that I’m enough for Him, despite my brokeness.

“No, no I won't waste another day
Believing words You didn't say
'Cause You don't make mistakes
And You didn't start with me
Even though I'm far from where I know I'm supposed to be
You don't make mistakes
And heaven would agree
That in Your eyes I'm everything that I was made to be
'Cause You don't make mistakes”
The end of the song says, I don’t want to waste my time looking for approval anywhere else. I want to believe what YOU say. He didn’t make a mistake when He created you. He wasn’t surprised when you made those mistakes because He doesn’t make mistakes. He knows what’s happened in your life and what’s going to happen. He is so good and kind to us. Despite our mess and who we choose to be, He chooses to love us. Don’t let the overwhelmingness of your life overtake the truth of who you are. You are loved. You are wanted. You are enough.