Hello everyone! How is your 2019 going so far? I would say mine has been pretty good. I think I have officially self diagnosed myself as lactose intolerant, which sucks, but oh well. I guess it could be worse. I should probably go get an expert opinion on that but I’ll do that if it comes down to it. ANYWAYS! Do y’all have any new year resolutions? I have been asked a couple times what my resolutions are and I thought I would share them with you guys. I have 10 resolutions for 2019. Some of them are your typical resolution, some are kind of silly, some are more personal, and some are to help me grow as a person so I can be the best me as I can. Let me know if we have the same resolutions or you would like to add one of these to your list. Here we go!
#1: If you read Em’s last post, (3 goals this year - you should go read it after this if you haven’t read it yet) her 2nd goal was to try to keep a clean room and I think that is very important, so I added that to my list. I am the kind of person who doesn’t really like putting things back after I get them out. Mainly clothes and shoes. If I try something on and I decide I don’t want to wear it, I will normally just throw it on my bed or my chair and it will stay there for a while until I get tired of seeing it there or moving it from one place to another. And I know I am not the only one who does this. Or if I have a pile of clean clothes, I have a habit of leaving it in the clothes basket and then they get all wrinkly. So my first new year resolution is to put away my clothes first thing!

#2: This is your typical resolution, but it is to eat healthier and go to the gym more. Now, I hate getting out and going to the gym, but once I am there, 90% of the time, I actually enjoy working out. It makes me feel physically better and I really don’t like feeling like crap. You feel me? And I am trying to get better about going by myself if Em or any of my other friends can’t go. I normally don’t like going by myself, because I am not motivated as much when I am by myself and because there is less of a chance that I will be kidnapped if I am with someone, but my goal is to get better at going by myself. And just to eat healthier because it is better for my health in general and the older I’ve gotten, the more important that is to me. I am not a health freak by any means, but I really do just feel SO MUCH BETTER when I am actually taking care of myself. I know that’s common sense, but it’s so easy to just slack off. Ya know?
#3: Staying organized! I will say that I typically stay pretty organized, because it helps me stay less stressed, but it is so easy just to throw something somewhere and not put it back where it belongs and then it gets out of place and you can’t find it, and then you have to go on a not so fun scavenger hunt, and you’re frustrated, and your memory isn’t as good as you thought it was because you thought you would remember where you put it, etc, etc, etc. So just like with my clothes, I’m going to try to put it back immediately so I’m not stressing later.

#4: Get more rest!!! This is very important for anyone. I know a lot of people, myself being one of them, tend to go go go go until we just can’t go anymore. TAKE YOUR TIME! It is okay to go hard and get things done, but sometimes you just need to slow down and enjoy things. I understand that some things can’t wait and you can only procrastinate for so long, but sometimes you just need to take your time and not stress about having a “deadline”. Especially if there isn’t an actual deadline.
#5: Read more and watch less. I love watching hulu or netflix in my spare/down time. But that is killing my brain cells. And I would rather not do that. And while that is okay to watch tv every now and then, you should really limit yourself. So my new goal is to read more and only watch one episode a day. I have so many good books that I keep meaning to read and I say I never have time to read, and some days I don’t, but instead of watching 4 episodes of lethal weapon, I need to switch it up and only watch 1 episode and read 3 chapters.

#6: Get better at my favorite hobby. I love photography. I love taking pictures, editing, and telling a story through a picture. So I want to get better at that. It’s always important to have something that you’re good at and love doing as a safety net in life. And I really want mine to be photography.
#7: Check on my family and friends more. I just want to be more caring and considerate of people. Check on them every now and then and see how their week has been. Ask how their day is going and see if I could pray for them in a certain way. Just be more involved, I guess.

#8: I want to travel more. I really only travel about once a year, and that is to China. And I know that is a long ways away and most people would say that is the only place they’re going for the year. But I want to explore the world. And I am not saying go across the world every other month or get on a plane every trip. Because trust me, THAT IS EXPENSIVE! And I wouldn’t be able to go somewhere every month because I am not rich. But I want to explore different places and say I’ve been to **fill in the black** place.
#9: Don’t get on social media as much. Just like with watching tv, it’s not mentally healthy to be on my phone/social media all the time. And with the blog, I do have to spend a good majority on social media trying to promote the blog, post updates, etc. But I spend pretty much most of my day on the computer when I am at work, so I need to give myself a break. And I want to be more in the moment and not have my head buried in my phone. And I have a really bad habit that when I am bored or I’m not talking to someone, I get on my phone so I have something to do. And while it is awkward to sit there and not be doing anything and you look lonely, it makes you look more approachable and not as stuck up. Unless you need to be on your phone to keep people (mostly creepy strangers) from talking to you, then that is okay. I do that all the time and it pretty much always works. And sometimes I pretend to be talking to someone on the phone so someone doesn’t talk to me, hehe!

#10: This is the last one, but I want to be in the Word more. I am working on getting a new devotional and doing it either first thing in the morning or before I go to bed. I want to know my Savior better. I am always saying, “I need to get better at reading the word” but I never really apply it. And if I do, it falls off the waggon 3 weeks later; if I even make it that long. I want to know as much as I can about the one who died for me. The one who loves me unconditionally. And I want that love to grow stronger every day.
So these are just my resolutions for 2019. What are yours? Did you even make a list? Do you follow through with your resolutions or are you apart of the group that throws the list out the window shortly after the new year? I’m not judging if you do, because that is what I normally do too. But I want this to be the year I actually make a hard effort to follow through with mine. And if not all of them, most of them. Love you all!
- Han <3 -