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Did you make the right decision?

Writer: strengthintheunquastrengthintheunqua

Hello everyone! Okay, so I have been asked the same question A LOT in the last couple of years, “do you know what you want to do when you get older?” Well no, I don’t know Wilma, I haven’t quite figured it out yet. I’m sure you would know if I have.

If I had a dollar for every time I got asked that question, JUST AT MY JOB, I wouldn’t need a job. If I got asked that question just in general, I could probably retire at 19 years old. Because I have no idea what I want to do with my life. And honestly, I never have figured that out. But guess’s okay. It’s okay that I don’t know yet. I knew from when I was in high school that I didn’t have the desire to go to college. And guess what...that is okay. College isn’t made for everybody. And I don’t feel pressured to go either. It does get kind of annoying when I’m around my friends who are in college and they get asked how college is going, or I’m in a group of people my age and they’re all talking about college and what classes they’re taking, what assignments they have coming up, how much they either love or can’t stand their professor…..

And then there’s me...the one that works all day, every day. I have no college experience. And while that gets annoying at times, I don’t mind it because I know I made the right decision for myself. I would much rather be working and making money then going to school, falling into debt, stressing over assignments, and still not knowing what I want to do with my life. Do you feel me? Do you get what I am saying? And I love the fact that I was able to start two jobs right out of high school.

My first job, that is part time, is at a recreation park. I had never had a “real job” before I started working there. I had done TONS of babysitting and side jobs before this, but I consider this to be my first job because I get taxes taken out...ugh! I started that job in June of 2017. I started as a concession worker then was moved up to field supervisor. Then, in December of 2017, I started my other part time job at a CPA firm (it’s a tax office for those who don’t know what cpa (certified public accountant) stands for). I was brought in just as part time help for busy season, January - April, but I somehow wiggled my way into staying longer and I am now a full time employee at the firm.

I know this all sounds SUPER nerdy, but hear me out. I didn’t know a single thing about taxes when I started working at the firm, and no, I still don’t know a whole lot about it, but I am now working full time at a job that was supposed to be temporary. Do you see what I am getting at here? I didn’t know what my plans were out of high school, only knowing I did not want to go to college. And now I am a working woman.

My point is, we may somewhat know our plans, but we don’t know everything about them. No, I probably won’t work at this firm for the rest of my working life, and no I most certainly will not be working at the park for the rest of my working years, but God knew what I needed at a certain stage in life and I am thankful for that. I am happy where I am in life right now and I wouldn't trade that for anything. I didn’t even apply for the job at the firm. They asked if I was looking for some more work, so I came in, did a small interview, and now I’ve been there for about 14 months when it was supposed to be 5. God works in weird, unexpected ways but they always turn out for our good, despite what we may think. I hope this helped some of you who are struggling to figure out what you want to do and what your path may be. Sometimes, the best thing for you is to just pray about it. Love you all!

- Han <3 -


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