Hello everyone! I hope you are all having an awesome Tuesday. So normally I would post something very inspirational and all about Jesus, but I thought I would give y’all some tips on how to spice up your instagram account. I want to first make the claim that this is what I have learned over the years of being on social media and some of my friends make fun of me for this, but ya know, I really don’t care because I am still sticking to my tricks and I don’t plan on stopping any time soon. That being said, here are ways to spice up your instagram account.
#1 - know which days are the best to post ---- knowing which days to post are key to how many people will see your picture. There are great days to post, okay days to post, and terrible days to post. Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays are the best days to post. More people will be online because it is the weekend and you normally have more activities to do on the weekend so you can get better pictures. Tuesdays and Thursdays are okay days. They aren’t dreadful days of the week so there is a pretty good chance there are a good amount of people online. The worst days to post are Mondays and Wednesdays. Everyone hates Mondays and Wednesday is normally just Monday 2.0 - still like a Monday but not as awful.
#2 - the best time of day to post ---- knowing the post time of day to post is key to how many likes you will get on your post. The best time I have found to post is between 9:20pm-9:40pm. Doesn’t that seem kind of late? Yeah, maybe so. But that is when a lot of people are settling down for the night and they are just scrolling through their feed. And because you had just recently posted, it is more likely your post will be at the top of their feed and they will see it and like it.

#3 - your theme ---- a lot of people have “theme’s” on their account. I have a friend who likes her account to be more brown, dark and faded, while mine is more colorful, focusing on the blues, greens, yellows, and more natural popping colors. Having a more consistent theme on your account makes it more appealing to the eye. I don’t always stick to having the same color scheme on my account, but for the most part, it is pretty consistent.
#4 - know what kind of picture to post ---- if you want your account to stick to that theme, you can’t have all these bright, colorful pictures up there and then you post something dark, fuzzy, and blurry. That doesn’t give a natural flow. Something I have learned to do on my account is that if there is a picture I really like and really want to post, but I know it will throw my theme off, I will post it on my insta-story instead and save it in my highlights.
#5 - have fun! ---- all these things that I have mentioned above are things that I have found helpful for my own personal account, but something I have found even more useful is the fact that I love having fun with my account. I love pictures, love editing, coming up with captions, and all the fun things about having an instagram account. Make it yours, don’t let other people tell you how to run your account.
I hope you like this post and maybe you could try some of these tips some time soon. I hope you have a great week and I’ll see you next Tuesday! Love you all!
- Han <3 -