Have you ever been on a mission trip before? How did you like it? I love going on mission trips. But I always have to pray that the Lord will give me the right mindset before I go. When I was younger, I would always think, “oh yeah, I’m going on a mission trip to tell people about Jesus” and even though that statement is not a terrible thing to think, where was my heart? Did I think that I was there for others but I was actually there to make myself look good? Or was I actually thinking of them and praying that what I was saying were God’s words and not your own.
I’m going to be real with y’all. I know that my heart and mind were thinking of myself. I have been on more mission trips than I can count because growing up, I went on a lot of trips with my church. It wasn’t until the summer after my senior year that I went on a real mission trip by myself, without my parents or people I knew. But that was the trip that I really connected with God and with people around me. And then this past summer when I was in China for a month, the feeling that I was able to experience because I knew that the Lord was working in people’s lives, not just from what I said, but from what actions were being expressed...that feeling is special.

I know not everyone is called to missions and going to a different state or across the world to a different country to proclaim the gospel, but you don’t have to get in a car or a plane and travel thousands of miles to go say, “hey, Jesus loves you and He wants you to be His.” No! You can go across the street and do that. Go to the person beside you in class and say that. That is the great thing about witnessing to people. It can literally be anybody! The Lord works in mysterious ways, in the lives of people we would think could never be saved. But the absolute best part of it all is that NONE OF US DESERVE TO BE SAVED!!! And that is something that we need to make sure everyone knows!
Something my pastor said this past Sunday and has really stuck with me was that when Jesus was about to be crucified and he was in the garden of Gethsemane and was talking to the Father and asked, “Lord, is there any other way?” asking if there was any other way for mankind to be saved without Jesus having to be killed on the cross. But the Lord said “no”. And that put any myth of “there is more than one way to get to Heaven” to shame. That tells us that believing in Christ; believing that He died on the cross, was raised from the dead, and will come again one day soon, is the only way to get to Heaven.

That is what we need to tell people when we witness to them. I will be going back to China this summer and I pray that the Lord uses me to help bring others to Him. Not because I deserve to be recognized, but because He deserves it. And that is what is most important. I pray that this post inspires you to witness to people, or maybe go on a trip somewhere. It is our job as fellow believers to help bring others to Christ. But we have to make sure our hearts are in the right place and we are seeking the Lord daily to be prepared for any possible moment we have to witness to anyone. Love you guys!
- Han <3 -