Hey loves! As many of you know, Han and I are both big into missions. Today I wanted to talk a little bit about what missions means to me. I have been to Ecuador twice and I plan to go on a mission trip (to another area) this summer for a month. I am beyond excited but I had no idea what missions truly was until my second trip to Ecuador. I wanted to share some things that I have been learning in the past several months about what being a missionary is.

Going on missions isn't always about going somewhere. It is about living out the Gospel in the now. Living out the Great Commission. Not everyone is called to go over seas but everyone is called to the mission. There isn't anything glamours about being a missionary. It is hard. It is dirty. It takes time. In our mind we tend to think that it will be easy and everyone will choose Jesus. We see proof of that in the Bible, if you look in John 6 some of Jesus' first followers left Him because it was to hard and cost to much. You see so often we think that when we follow Jesus everything is going to be rainbows and cupcakes. We ignore the fact that life is still happening wherever we are. On the two mission trips that I have been on, I have seen a lot of the hardships of trying to tell another people group about Jesus. I have also seen the Joy and revival that can take place. I had this perfect image in my mind of what it should be like and it was nothing like that.
I know a lot of people think that only missionaries and pastors and the few "biblically smart" people at church can share the Gospel but that is so untrue! God has equipped us each with the ability to share the the Gospel. Not because of me or you though, but because of the Holy Spirit in us! I don't know if you've ever thought about it like that but you have the same Holy Spirit in you that Billy Graham had in Him. The same spirit that John Piper has. You have that! The problem is we let satan tell us when we can't when all we have to do is trust God that He will speak through us. Your job is to study the word and prepare you heart for those opportunities and God will put those in your path and help you through them.

We are all called to be missionaries in some way, shape, or form. Wether it is just living boldly where you work or going across the world to share His name. We are all called to be missionaries. If you aren't sharing Him with others in the now you won't do it later when the "bigger" chance arrives. Katie Davis said: "It may take place in a foreign land or it may take place in your backyard, but I believe we were each created to change the world for someone. To serve someone. To love someone the way Christ first loved us, to spread His light. This is the dream, and it is possible." Find your one and pursue wholeheartedly like christ pursued you and you will truly see Jesus come to life in you.
xo, em