Hello everyone! So today, we are going to be talking about relaxation. As I have mentioned several times before, I have two jobs and so I am constantly working. And if I am not working, I am doing something. I’m either at church, the gym, going to ball games, with family and/or friends...I am constantly doing something. And while I am the kind of person that thrives on constantly doing something and having plans, there are some times that I need a break. I need to detox from the world and have time to myself. Even just 5 minutes is enough time sometimes. Here are some of my favorite things to do to just relax and have some “me time”.

1: music. I LOVE music. Mostly just christian and country, but I like a couple different kinds of genres. But when I am listening to music, something just comes over me and relaxes me. Especially if the song is really speaking to my current situation. And a lot of the time, I will just sit in my car and listen for a while. I love to sing so music is something that really has a special place in my heart.

2: painting. This one is something that I actually just recently got in to over the past year or so. I like drawing and being artistic, so painting is just something that takes me to a whole different world. I guarantee you would have never guessed that I love to paint if I hadn’t told you. I’m not amazing at it, but sometimes I will just go to hobby lobby, get a canvas (which is normally pretty cheap they’re also 50% off most of the time so I can get them even cheaper!) go home, and just paint away. I’ll go to pinterest and find something fun to paint and will do my best to recreate it while making it my own.
3: youtube or hulu. I try not to do this one as often because I sit in front of a computer at work all day, so I don’t want to be in front of a screen more than I have to, but there are some people that I like to watch on youtube and I have several shows that I have been enjoying recently on hulu. I recommend “the rookie”, “the good doctor”, and “911” for anyone looking for a good show to watch. I like “lethal weapon” too, but that one is a little bit more violent compared to the first three. But it’s a funny show.

4: bath. I very rarely do this, because I normally don’t have enough time to take one, but it is very relaxing. If I do ever take one, it’s typically when I’m sick. But it’s especially relaxing if you can just read or even just lay there with your eyes closed. It’s pretty great. At least until the water starts going cold. Then that is just annoying. But taking a bath when the house is quiet and you don’t have to worry about anyone bothering you.
5: Jesus. Just spending time with Jesus. He relaxes my mind, my heart, and my body. He knows what is best and we only need to be still, pray, and read his word so we can experience his kind of relaxation. It’s the best kind. Hands down!
I know this one was kind of short, but I wanted to give y’all my tips as to how I relax and maybe they’ll help you relax. Love y’all!
- Han <3 -