Hello everyone! So today is two days before Thanksgiving, or Thanksgiving Eve Eve, and y’all have no idea how excited I am for Thanksgiving. It is one of my favorite holidays, mainly because I love food and love to eat, but because it reminds me of how blessed I am and that I have so much to be thankful for. Do you have Thanksgiving traditions? Me and my family have a lot that we do the whole week of Thanksgiving.
On Sunday, we go over to my dad’s parents and have lunch with them. It’s easier that way because everyone has busy days on Thursday, so a way for all of us to actually spend time with each other and to hang out, is to do it on the Sunday before Thanksgiving.
On Tuesday, our church does a Thanksgiving dinner and everyone from the church brings a dish and we all have an awesome time with each other; talking, hanging out, eating, and loving on each other.
On Wednesday, a dear friend from my church, her name is Cindy, she has a group of people over from church (we’re all a big family) over to her house for lunch and we eat, play games, sing, chat, pray, and tell each other what we are grateful for. I always go over to Cindy’s house around 9:00am and help cook. It is the highlight of my day. I have been doing it since I was like 11 years old. I love every minute of it and wouldn’t trade it for anything. We make vanilla cupcakes with chocolate icing, meatballs, apples and carmel, veggies, french onion dip and chips, sloppy joes, chick-fil-a nuggets, etc. So many things to eat and it’s so much fun.

On Thursday, our family does something a little different. We used to go over to my mom’s parents but the last couple of years, my aunt and her husband and my uncle and his wife, they always go to their in-laws for dinner, which leaves us rushed for lunch and everyone is stuffed and miserable. My mom is in charge of decorating for Christmas at church so we are up there from Wednesday night to Saturday night. So we are up there all day long for like, three and a half days.
On Saturday’s, the last couple of years, we have gone to my mom’s parents house to have Thanksgiving. We have stuffing, mashed potatoes, ham, and lots of different things I cannot remember right now, lol. If you can’t tell, I love food!
It wasn’t until the last couple of years that I started going Black Friday shopping and I love it. I go every year now and look for whatever deals I can get. But the one thing I try my absolute best to do is to find the blessings in my life and thank God for them. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without the people in my life and the ups and downs I have been through. My life isn’t easy, and I admit that I am blessed beyond what I deserve and there are people out there that have it way worse than me, but I am thankful for every hard time I have experienced. It has shaped me into the woman I am and I will forever be grateful.
What are your Thanksgiving’s like? Are they as crazy as mine? Are they as great as mine? Lol, just kidding. But seriously. I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving and you all know what you’re thankful for. Know that you are blessed beyond what you deserve and loved beyond understanding. Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
- Han <3 -