Happy holidays, y’all! I don’t know about you guys, but I love this time of year! I don’t get to enjoy it as much now because I work during the day, compared to when I was in school. Close to Christmas my mom would tell us we were done with school and I could stay in my pajamas all day, bake goodies, wrap presents, watch Christmas movies (mainly Hallmark Christmas movies because they’re my mom’s favorite)….ya know, the good things. But now since I work during the day, I don’t get to do those kinds of things. But it’s all okay. I need the money more than the cookies anyways.
Do y’all have anything specific you like doing over the holidays? Any traditions? What is your favorite thing about the holidays? I just love the feeling of it all. I love how cozy you get to be. I can picture it now - snuggled up on the couch under a warm blanket, with your coffee (or hot chocolate and marshmallows, whatever you prefer), wearing your most comfiest clothes and watching a Christmas movie. That picture sounds so satisfying to me. Granted, that is what most of my nights look like if I don’t have any plans or places to be, but whatever.

Something I haven’t done in a hot minute, but used to do all the time when I was younger, was bake a cake with my mom (just your typical cake in a box) and we would decorate it and write “Happy Birthday Jesus” on it. I loved baking that cake and I just realized we haven’t done that in forever! I think I’m going to bake that cake this year. Something else me and my mom always make are square pretzels with a hershey kiss in between them and make it into a sandwich. Those are fun to make! We’ve also been making those for as long as I can remember. I do like to cook so making holiday foods/snacks are so enjoyable for me. Baking and cooking are so much fun for me. Until I have to clean everything up; I hate doing that, lol.
My mom and I probably love christmas the most in my family. Not that everyone else doesn’t like it, we just like it more. Mom more than me, actually. The older I’ve gotten, the more I love it and appreciate it. The more I appreciate the story of Jesus’ birth and why he came. Good news...Great joy! The thing that I love most about the story is that we didn’t deserve him, but he came anyways so that we would know the love of the Father and know that we needed a Savior, a King and He came in the form of a baby. The most innocent and pure way to come. He grew up on this earth just like all of us have. He experienced temptation and heartache. But thankfully He didn’t let those things defeat him. He didn’t let anything defeat Him in all the years that he walked this earth.
Christmas isn’t just about getting and giving. It’s so much more than that. Jesus was God’s gift to the world and He so willingly and sacrificially gave it to us. If that isn’t a picture of love, I don’t know what is. I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and you think about the ultimate gift that was given all those years ago. Just think about it while you’re riding down the road on Christmas morning. Love you guys!
- Han <3 -