Hello everyone! Okay, so does anyone else feel like they’re drowning in the rush of the new year? Or is it just me? I don’t know if it is just the stress from work and feeling rushed to get everything done in one day or if I am trying to do too much and over committing or what, but I feel like I’m drowning in an ocean of rush. And this is just a coincidence that I am talking about this after last week’s post was about “relaxing” (go read it if you haven’t already). Does anyone else get like this? Please tell me you experience this too.
I know that by the end of the day, I am so tired and worn out, I can barely go take off my makeup and brush my teeth. I just want to go straight to bed. And I know I have it easier than some people. I get told all the time, “you just entered adulthood. I don’t know why you’re stressed. I don’t know why you’re tired. Your job isn’t physical. You didn’t even try for your jobs. They were pretty much just given to you. You just sit behind a desk all day (depending on what job I’m at). You haven’t seen anything yet. Just you wait. Be glad you’re still single and not having to take care of a family on top of a full work day.”

Okay, Janice. Don’t go getting your panties all in a wad. I get that I just started this new step in life and that I am going to be in this season of “working” and “adulthood” for a very very long time. But may I remind you that I am still new at this. Yes, I have been a “working woman” for about a year and a half. And yes, I know people have been doing this a lot longer than me. And yes, I know I am going to be working the rest of my life. But don’t confuse, “I’m (mentally and/or physically) tired because i’ve been working all day.” with “I’m complaining because I don’t want to work a day in my life.” They are two very different things.
I love my job(s). I enjoy the people I work with and I am very thankful and blessed to be working. I give all the credit to the Lord for giving me both of my jobs. They both pay very well, I have great bosses, work with great people, and I’m thankful to know that people trust me enough to take care of things. I am one of those people that if you entrust me with something that I’m sure you could ask someone else to do, I am going to work hard at it and do my best. Sometimes, I just want to say, “why don’t you try doing my job and see how you well you understand it and think it’s ‘easy’ after you’re done.” But I don’t.

I am new at this, just like you once were. You were in my shoes once upon a time. And I am sure there was someone saying to you what you are saying to me. But how about we be encouraging to one another and say something like, “girl, I am so proud of you for working so hard.” instead of, “well, I don’t know why you’re tired. You ain’t seen the real working world yet.” So….me working 9 hours or more a day and having money withheld from my paychecks and me having to pay taxes isn’t considered “real work”?
I’m not bashing on anyone in particular, so don’t think I’m talking to you. I’m just saying all this in general and saying this kind of like an “awareness” so to speak. Clearly, as I have voiced my opinion in this post, I don’t like it when people tell me that “I am not really working” and “I don’t know what the working world is really like.” I mean, I would get told that when I was babysitting for some of my first jobs. Yeah, it might not be a job that is paid with a salary or government paid, but babysitting is HARD WORK! That is mentally and physically exhausting, depending on the child you’re watching. And I know that every girl that has ever babysat a day in her life would agree with me on that.
So to the people that are in my shoes or are about to be in my shoes, let me be the one to say, “YOU GO!” I am proud of what you’re doing to accomplish your goals in life. Whether the goal is school, your dream job, or the job you hate but are working so that you can one day work at your dream job….whatever it may be, I am proud. I hope you are striving to be your best, exceeding in what you love, and thriving in life. Continue to work hard, even if you haven’t been doing it for very long.

You could be making a difference in someone’s life by doing your job to the best of your ability and you might not even know it. I answered the phone at work the other week and when I transferred them to talk to my boss, they told him that I was a very professional young lady and that I was doing great at my job; and that honestly made my entire week. It made me want to sound happy whenever I was on the phone with a client even though I was about to fall asleep on my desk. No matter if it is as little as picking up napkin off the floor as a waitress or something as big as saving a life as an emt. No matter what it is, do your best and make someone else’s day better. Even if it means it will make you even more exhausted. Love y’all!
- Han <3 -