Hey loves, so I thought today I would do a short recap of 2018. I’ve listed the months and will share the main thing I learned with each month! Some I learned the hard way some were a little bit simpler. I hope you enjoy! Leave in the comments below what you learned in 2018.

January - In January, it snowed several inches within around 12 hours, this isn’t rare for NC it’s just not the norm either. Anyways, the next day it was 70 degrees before 12 pm so I assumed most of the ice would’ve been gone. Well, much to my luck, in the 70-degree weather, I slid off the road and hit a tree with my car. Being the broke 17-year old that I was my world crashed. I wasn’t going to be able to fix it and I wasn’t sure my dad could either. Thankfully my dad was able to fix it up and buy me some time to save the money to get a newer car. The thing that I learned from this is that no matter what you think it should be...life doesn’t work like that. Slow down and don’t rush because life doesn’t wait.
February - In February, I went on my first trip to Ecuador. This was one of the biggest spiritual changes I’ve ever had and it’s honestly kind of hard to put into words because it happened on the inside and it isn’t really something that I can put into words.
March - In March, I learned it’s okay to be with someone but it’s also okay to be alone. I learned you can’t believe people say but don’t write people off because you’re scared to try.

April - In April, I learned that healing does happen it just takes time. It had been a year since a little girl I knew died and it proved to me that your heart will heal even if the hurt never completely goes away.
May - In May, I became an adult and I learned that being an adult isn’t all it’s cracked up to be and that doing what you want doesn’t really make you feel free.
June - In June, I learned that working a full-time job isn’t fun. I learned how thankful I was for 18 years not having to work. I learned that there is nothing better than being a kid.
July - In July, I learned that a month goes by extremely fast. This is when Han went to China for an entire month and I realized that time really does fly by.
August - In August, I learned how important it is to allow your family to grow. When my sister got engaged, the celebration added so much more fun into our family.

September - In September, I learned that “If you aren’t happy single, you won’t be happy taken. Happiness comes from within, not from men.” I really began to learn what it meant to be single and enjoy it.
October - In October, I learned that God will always provide! 8 months after my wreck, I was able to buy a new 2013 Kia!
November - In November, I learned that mission trips are not always easy...actually they have hard topics and you HAVE to completely trust God or you will never get anything up.
December - In December, I learned that people change so quickly. Life changes so quickly. The situations you think will NEVER end…they will end with closure. The hurt you think will never heal… It will heal. Don’t worry just take it day by day and enjoy every moment.
I learned so much in the past year and it grew me so much as a person. I’m forever thankful for the people who helped show me that being me was okay, that standing alone is better than hiding in the corner, and that taking each moment as a precious gift is necessary.
Goodbye 2018, I can’t wait for 2019!
xo, em.
I love this post!