Hey loves, so today I wanted to talk about why putting Jesus first is a big deal in my life and the difference it has made. For years I thought that I needed to be a big deal or have all the right answers or be pretty much perfect before coming and spending time with Christ. I mean, I had always heard that you didn’t but for some reason I thought that the rule didn’t apply to me and Jesus really couldn’t love me. I am so thankful I was wrong. For the past 6 or so months I have really been pursuing Christ, but I have grown even deeper in the last month and a half and because of that I have this sweet peaceful feeling.

It is so much more than a feeling though, it is honestly a lifestyle change. I recently heard something, that I want to have the aroma of Jesus when people are around me. While that seems a little crazy it is so true! When I am just honestly and wholeheartedly pursuing Christ, I feel his presence take over me. I feel my entire attitude change. People smell a bad attitude and the smell you when you are pursuing Jesus. Jesus is so very important to me. I make sure to pursue it everyday whether it is for 3 minutes or 30 minutes. I will have a few moments with just me and Him.
I saw this the other day and wanted to share this with you,
“Maybe, sometimes, you have to know Jesus in order to understand why some people devote their whole lives to Him. I’ve heard people say it was crazy. I’ve heard their complete bewilderment at the thought of such a sacrifice. But maybe, genuine love for Jesus manifests itself in sacrifice. And when you really know Him and you recognize what He did for you, it changes you. To an unbeliever, living for Christ might seem like a life gone to waste. But to a believer - someone who’s really and honestly known Him - often, no other life will do.”

So this post was short but I really don’t have much left to say other than CHOOSE JESUS. PURSUE HIM. LOVE HIM. He is far better than anything this world will offer. He wants you and He chose you and that is enough for me. I love you all and pray for you!
xo, em