Today I wanted to share my top 5 favorite movies! With spring quickly approaching we tend to stay up a little later and have a little more time for movies! So here are some good movies for you to add to your list to watch or rewatch over the next few months!
1st: Toy Story 1, 2, or 3! Quite honestly these are some of my favorite movies. I have a few friends who don't like them and think they are not good but how can you not help but relate to them a little bit. I mean the movie is about growing up and it definitely puts you in your feels. If you're looking for something sweet and light hearted this is it! Also you need to freshen up your memory for TOY STORY 4!!!!
2nd: Safe Haven! I don't know about you but I am a sucker for the mushy gushy movies. Add a little action and Julianne Hough and you've got the perfect movie. I mean seriously how could you go wrong: a crazy ex husband, an escape from reality, dreams better than life, two peoples brokenness bringing them together, near death scenes. I mean it literally has everything and ends up happy, you cannot help but love it!
3rd: 47 Meters Down! Not going to lie the suspense is horrible in this movie and it honestly scared me some but it quickly became on of my all time favorite movies! Better yet it is on Netflix but if you get scared easily there is a little bit of suspense in it! Beware though, the ending is rough.

4th: October Baby! This movies is such a real picture of the effects of abortion, lies, brokenness, but even better Jesus. It will make you more aware of others around and give you a deeper love for people who find themselves in hard situations and a stronger urge to save those babies. The heart wrenching story of Hannah is unbelievably real and it is a 10/10 recommendation from me.
5th: Pitch Perfect! I have mixed emotions about this movie. It has its moments where it is SO good and then moments when I'm a little disappointed that they ruined the movie with certain things; but anytime someone asks me to watch it I am 100% in and will laugh and cry every time. It is a good ladies night movie that is just overall pretty light hearted.
While these might not be my all time FAVORITE movies they are definitely on the list and I recommend watching them all. I would love to hear some of your favorite movies, comment them below!
xo, em