Hey loves! So I was scrolling on facebook the other day and I saw this story. It shed a new light on Christmas for me. While I knew santa was a representative of Jesus, I had never put the pieces together like this. I adapted the story a little so it isn’t the original version but I found it on google so I take no credit for it.
“You asked if santa was ‘real’. We respect your question and feel like you are mature enough to understand the answer.
Mom and Dad fill your stockings, we give you the presents on the hearth and under the tree. The same way our parents made christmas special for us when we were younger. And yes - we do eat the cookies! Someday, you will do this for you own children and you will love seeing them run down the stairs on Christmas morning.
Santa is more than a person. The idea of santa is based on a man named St. Nicholas: he grew up as a very fortunate, Christian man. When his parents died, they gave him all of their money. St. Nick wanted to follow the teachings of Jesus; he spent all of his money on helping the less fortunate and sick people. St. Nicholas is gone, but his generosity, love, and
work have gone on longer than any of us have lived.

People all over the world want to honor the work of st. nicholas and the way we do that is using the character you now know as “Santa”. The spirit of St. Nick teaches children how to believe in something they can’t see or touch. Santa gives gifts and asks nothing in return other than we believe. The idea of santa is a wonderful way to celebrate an important holiday like Jesus’ birthday.
Now you know the secret of how Santa gets down all those chimneys on christmas eve: he has help from all the people whose hearts he’s filled with joy. We were children once too, and Santa gave us the gift of believing. Mom and Dad are Santa and do a job that would otherwise be impossible.
Santa is love and hope and happiness.
You grandparents and parents are Santa, and now you are Santa too! It is important to keep this magic alive. Now that you understand it's up to you to give the gift of believing in santa to others around you.”
We are Santa because we share the love of Jesus during the Holiday season. We show love through presents, music, and friendship. All of these reflect who Christ is. So while Santa isn’t real, we get to be apart of the Santa Team and share the joy and belief with others around you all while pointing them to Jesus!

Share the spirit of St. Nick, share love, and share JESUS on these last few days until Christmas.
Merry Christmas!
xo, em