Hey loves, I was sitting in Chick-fil-a with Han and she was talking about how mentally tired she was from starting to work full time and I remember being there this past summer and last semester so I thought I would do a post of encouragement telling you that life will get better, there will be hard seasons but the joyful ones are to come! Han will have a new blog post soon about how its okay to be tired so I won’t steal too much from her.

So let’s go back to elementary school...we think that we will NEVER be in the double digits like 10 is forever away and that’s what being a big kid looks like. So we miss part of our childhood trying to make it 10 just so we can be “an older kid”. I remember having friends older than me so I was constantly just trying to get to the next year so I didn’t seem so young. Well, we made it and even though I wish I hadn’t rushed it, God is good and brought fruit from my life even then.
Next, we get to middle school...yeah I know, I can’t believe I’m reliving this again. You think that you’re an adult, I mean, after all, 12 is only 6 years away from 18...thats not that long. Plus you always think you’re extra mature. But middle school is awful and you feel like everyone hates you and you think you’re going to marry your first boyfriend, and you cry every other sentence. Middle school is a seemingly never-ending the roller coaster of going between kid and teenager and you don’t really have a place. You think it will never end, and then it does and it gets better.

After the terrible tweens, you finally make it to a teenager and you think ahhh it can only go up from here. Then you have your first heartbreak and you stop talking to your mom and everything kind of falls apart all over again. You sit on your bed and think “ugh, I thought I was out of this”. Not only do you feel unworthy and not enough, you realize school isn’t as easy anymore and passing your permit test is impossible. You think “if only I could drive, I would finally be free”. Then you get your license and life is good and it settles for a little while.
Fast forward a few months and you’ve got a steady boyfriend and things are going fantastic and then you wreck your first car or get a speeding ticket. Everything falls apart again and you think life will never get better. Your friends are mean, your boyfriend broke up with you, your dad set to early of a curfew, you don’t have any money, and your car isn’t working. But then you get that your first job and work to have a little more freedom and things come to peaceful rest.

Then you graduate high school and you think you have it all figured out and then you realize college is hard, you don’t know what you want to do, you don’t like your roommate or if you’re like me you’re working full time and going to school full time, you’re always broke, and you’re living at home and you’re caught in between being an adult and living with your parents. Your mental exhaustion hits its limit and you cry almost every night just because you are so tired. But then life settles you find peace at home, your job becomes a part of life, and school isn’t as stressful. You have a new car and a steady income and life settle back down.
Well, that is where I am not. I am settled. It won’t last, it’s a season, I will have another hard season soon. But to anyone stuck in the rocky season right now, it gets better. You will have peace and joy again. You will feel rested again. You will be okay and you will make it. Your life doesn’t revolve around boyfriends, age, cars, money, school, or where you live. Don’t let those things destroy your joy, they will pass and they will change. Focus on the one thing that never changes, Christ. He will never leave nor forsake you!
Have a fantastic weekend! xoxo, em