Hey loves, so today I wanted to just quickly share with you my top 3 all time favorite worship songs and why I loved them! These three songs have been such encouragements to me ever since middle school. I highly recommend that you listen to each one and just take in the words that are being sung!
Clear the stage - Jimmy Needham ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6smGew7dGto )
I honestly love this song. It isn’t widely known but the message behind it is so powerful. The main message behind it is that we can do all these good things but if we don’t truly do for God’s glory, it’s an idol. Even our worship can be made into an idol when we get so caught up in it that it becomes for our glory not His. Sometimes you just have to step away for a while and get your mind focused on the only thing that matters. We tend to get so tied up with the ministry that we lose sight of the mission. The song is just a good reminder to keep your heart in the right place.

Our God - Chris Tomlin ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01Yj7H-eSjM )
This wasn’t my original #2 but God brought this song back into my life on the airplane on the way to Ecuador. The mighty power of God is beyond what we can imagine. I listened to this song on repeat for a solid 30 or more minutes and every time it got sweeter and sweeter. The fact that our God is greater than anything we could ever imagine and yet He still chooses to know every detail of everything in our life. It was just good to me and is definitely one of my go to song.
How he loves - David Crowder ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzfPHnoT0-0 )
Bonus Version - ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suMhQ3ETCyI )
I have attached 2 different versions to this song. The first is just the regular version and the second is the song with some preaching mixed in. It is about 8 minutes long but so worth the listen. I have listened to this song in a lot of dark places i’ve been and it is such a comfort to me. Everytime I hear it I remember just how far Christ has brought me and it can bring me to tears just listening to it.
So that is all I have as I am currently about to catch my flight to Ecuador! Have a fantastic week and know that you are prayed for! Thank you for taking the time to read!
xo, em