Being single when you want a relationship is hard but during the holidays, it’s even harder. Thankfully my extended family has never been the type that asks you “When are you going to get a boyfriend?” or “Why don’t you have one?”, but there is still the desire from ME. I decided that this was an obvious but necessary post because so often we lose sight of what matters because of the unspoken pressure of “needing” a boyfriend. Every girl understands the struggle and I feel like guys do too, they just don’t talk about it as much. So here is my best shot at advice for surviving the holidays...alone.

First I would have to say DON’T STALK YOUR EX!! I can’t stress this enough because I myself have been guilty of this. Whether you ended or he did, it’s over and dwelling on it is only going to make you more depressed and lonely. Unfollow them if you need to or take them off of your feed (you can do this in your settings). Another thing to consider is to delete the social media apps off your phone for the season. I know for me, seeing other people’s relationships can hurt too. Sometimes I just have to walk away for a while. Don’t let the pressure from social media damper your holiday joy because it isn’t worth it.
Another thing I recommend is to enjoy the happiness of the season! There are so many ways you can do this; You can enjoy the Christmas lights, make traditions for YOU as a person, or serve other people and spread the joy! Drive around and look at christmas lights while blaring christmas music or go to the mall and people watch while listening to people sing. Grab your mom or best friend if you don’t want to go alone! Make traditions for you, not ones that you have to do with someone but make some just for you! Make your own christmas mixtape, make christmas cookies for your neighbors, or find other ways to serve people! Some ideas to serve others would be, pick some and give them 12 days of christmas gifts, go to the local homeless shelter and help serve there, pass out blankets, candies, or gift cards to homeless!

I’m almost done, I promise. During the season don’t forget to take care of yourself. Go to the gym, eat healthy so when you splurge you won’t feel as nasty, get enough sleep so you can refresh yourself for the new year! Taking care of yourself is easy and something anyone can do to feel better.
Alright, this is my last suggestion. Focus on the real reason for the season! The lights and love are great but at the end of the day, if no one sees the true light and love of the world, it’s pointless. Spend time being thankful for the people around you that you do have, don’t look at those you don’t have. Most importantly focus on JESUS! He is the best reason to celebrate and His love story for us is far greater than we could imagine so let that sink in. He loves you more than any other boy does or ever will.
As christmas rapidly approaches remember that “Today is next year’s christmas memory. Make it one that you will always cherish, and be sure to enjoy every single moment.” {unknown}. Live in the moment, take pictures in your mind, and celebrate the greatest love of all!
Xo, em