Happy Thanksgiving friends! I am so excited for the Holiday season! Thanksgiving is probably my favorite holiday because it starts the joy of the season and everyone is gathered together being thankful for everything we’ve been given. So today I thought I would tell you three things about Thanksgiving that I am most excited and thankful for.

First, I am excited and thankful that my entire family will be together! Both of my parents, my siblings, and their significant others will all be there. I have one older sister who lives in Raleigh and an older brother in Virginia so having us all back together will be so much fun. I have two younger siblings as well, but since I live at home I see them all the time. My brother’s girlfriend also happens to be my best friend, so this Holiday season will definitely be just a little more fun!

Second, I am so excited for Black Friday shopping! While I know that it isn’t your typical topic that people say they are thankful for, I love Black Friday shopping. It is the beginning of the holiday season and I get most of my Christmas shopping done then! I love to give gifts because that is how I get to show people how thankful I am for them.
While I am so thankful for so many things, I am most thankful for God because without Him I wouldn’t have anything else to be thankful for. He never ceases to be a constant in my life. He provides everything we need when we need it. From creating the beauties around us such as the sunset and the ocean to creating every hair on our head and the function of our brain. He is in control over it all and for that, I am so thankful.
So today as I eat ribs (I don’t like turkey) and as you eat your favorite foods, remember that family, friends, and shopping are fun but without Christ, there is no meaning. Enjoy your family, set your scales back 10 pounds, and celebrate our Savior today and every day!

Happy Thanksgiving,
xo, Em